
洛阳科威钨钼科技有限公司 luoyang coldwell tungsten molybdenum technology, ltd 公司简介: company profile 洛阳科威钨钼有限公司位于美丽的中国,九朝古都,牡丹之乡洛阳市,是钨钼制品专业生产厂家,钨钼加工行业领头企业,技术先进,公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,完备的生产能力和先进的检测手段,并具有一整套严格的质量管理体系,能够生产规格,品种齐全的钨钼异型制品,长期以来在用户中树立了良好的信誉。公司产品出口欧美及东南亚地区,已申请并获得了自营进出口权,开展进出口业务,产品性能与国际产品接轨,2004年顺利通过了iso9001质量体系认证,并于2009年通过了邓白氏及sgs认证。我公司全体员工愿和各界新老用户携手并进,真诚合作,共创未来。 luoyang kewei molybdenum tungsten, is located in the beautiful china, the ancient capital of nine dynasties, luoyang peony, is a professional manufacturer of tungsten and molybdenum products, tungsten and molybdenum processing industry leading enterprises, advanced technology, the company has strong technical force, complete production capacity and advanced detection instruments, and has a set of strict quality management system, capable of producing specifications, the full range of tungsten and molybdenum shaped products, has long established a good reputation among our products exported to europe and southeast asia, has applied for and obtained the right to import and export, import and export business, product performance and international product standards, in 2004 passed the iso9001 quality system certification, and in 2009 passed the dun & bradstreet and sgs our staff and to all new and old customers hand in hand, sincere cooperation, create a better. [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:河南 洛阳市 涧西区 涧西区 科技一路洛新工业园 浙ICP备17016739号-4
